'Hey Guys! I went shopping with my friend and i decided to give yall a clothing haul and then a fashion show! I don\'t go shopping that much but omg Adidas had a doorbuster sale where everything in the store was 50% off and omg it was a steal! Thanks for watching! VLOGMAS playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfK5JhvkKpUKAOze1HaQw_JAjUUOibeKt ☆Subscribe & follow me for more content & insides☆ ‣Subscribe - https://bit.ly/submannasteel ‣Instagram - https://bit.ly/instamanna_steel ‣Tik Tok - http://bit.ly/tiktokmanna_steel ‣Manna Lyrics - https://bit.ly/mannalyrics ‣Spotify - http://bit.ly/jcscspotify ☆How you can help make a change in the world☆ ‣Carrds/Resources - https://wearethechange.carrd.co/ ☆Questions & answers☆ Q=What\'s your name/age? ↠ Jordan & 17 (atm)! Q=Pronouns/birthday/sign? ↠ He/Him, April 10th, Aries! Q=What\'s your favorite color? ↠ Iggy Orange (Burnt Orange)! Q=Where are you from/live? ↠ From Wisconsin live in Texas! Q=What do you film with? ↠ Samsung Galaxy S10 Note+! Q=What do you edit with? ↠ Movavi Video Editor Plus! ☆Wanna collab or sponsor☆ Email me at: mannasteelbiz@gmail.com Sub count - 741 View count - 162,421 Clothing hall 0:00 FASHION SHOW! 6:52 ♪Music used: - Hip Hop Christmas by Twin Musicom http://twinmusicom.org Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/hip-hop-christma Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/VnzJ96YTqrA -Rock Christmas - http://bit.ly/wavetoys-RockChristmas -Christina Milian x Lazy Flow - Call Me, Beep Me (Kim Possible - vogue edit) FREE DOWNLOAD: https://hypeddit.com/track/vhw8h5 =) Tags, you\'re it! Get it lol? (= #MannaSteel #vlogmas #vlogmas2022 #vlog #holidays #holidayvlog #holidayseason #clothinghaul #shoppinghaul #fashionshow #maleclothinghaul #adidas #crocs #holidayshopping #cheapclothing Remember, you\'re a ☆ ^_^'
Tags: clothes , fashion show , friends , vlog , vlogmas , adidas , shopping haul , holidays , cheap clothing haul , Crocs , senior , holiday vlog , clothes haul , dog bath , teen shopping haul , vlogmas day 22 , vlogmas 22 , croc , teen vlog , male clothing , Adidas sale , shopping deal , Vlogmas 2022 , manna steel , @mannasteelyt , manna steel vlogmas , teen vlogmas , friend vlog , senior 23 , shopping haul 2022 , male shopping haul , male clothes haul
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